JEICOM23: Mr. Bruno Costa from Jethro Civil Diplomat tells us all about it
Cameroon: the 2nd Edition of JEICOM23 took place at the Palais des Congres Yaounde on 1-3th of June, organized by Communes et Villes Unies du Cameroun for the development of territories and under the Very High Patronage of the Head of State His Excellency Paul Biya.
Food security was the central theme of this meeting, opening up opportunities to implement and develop actions that meet the needs of African municipalities in the current context.
JEICOM connects local actors and development partners
JEICOM – Les Journées Économiques Internationales des Communes Africaines was developed by the United Communes and Cities of Cameroon (CVUC), an association that brings 360 Communes and 14 Urban Communities.
According to Mr. Augustin Tamba, this event aimed to promote and finance municipal projects with added value. In this way, it mobilized new partnerships and investment opportunities. More than 150 investors attended JEICOM23.
Our leitmotif remains the same, according to the Mr. Georges Elana Obam Minister of Decentralization and Local Development: to make JEICOM23 the show par excellence of shared opportunities.
Combined efforts will make it possible to lift our vulnerable populations out of food insecurity and ensure the development of our territories.
The forum connected local elected officials, value-added project promoters, investors, investment funds, and solution owners.
Therefore, these were days of promoting the economy of the Communes and Cities in relationship with national and international partnerships organizations, donors, investment funds, and other institutions.
Jethro Civil Diplomats at JEICOM23
European Director of Jethro Civil Diplomat Mr. Bruno Costa and Mr. Chamas Awad the National Director of Civil Diplomat Jethro of Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, and the Persian Gulf attended the event at the invitation of the European Commission, and Mr. Augustin Tamba.
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